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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Gillshill Primary

Performance Tables

The primary school performance tables provide information on the achievements of pupils in primary schools, how they compare with other schools in the local authority (LA) area and in England as a whole.

The data can be viewed and downloaded from the performance tables section of the Department for Education website:


The tables show:

  • results from the KS2 tests in reading, mathematics and grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • KS2 teacher assessments in English, reading, writing, mathematics and science
  • KS1-2 progress measures in reading, writing and mathematics
  • KS1-2 value added

They also include key measures for sub-groups of pupils in each school, including disadvantaged pupils, low, middle and high attaining pupils, boys, girls, pupils with English as an additional language and pupils who have been in the school throughout the whole of years 5 and 6 (non-mobile pupils).

KS2 results 2023

  Expected standard (Gillshill) Expected standard (National) Higher standard (Gillshill) Higher standard (National) Progress measure
Reading, Writing, Maths combined 73% 60% 10% 8%
Reading 79% 73% 24% 29%
Writing 79% 72% 15% 13%
Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation 98% 73% 45% 30%
Maths 97% 73% 24% 24% 2%

KS1 results 2023

  Expected standard (Gillshill) Expected standard (National) Higher standard (Gillshill) Higher standard (National)
Reading, Writing, Maths combined 65% 56% 8% 6%
Reading 71% 68% 19% 19%
Writing 66% 60% 11% 8%
Maths 79% 70% 18% 16%

Year 2 Phonics screening 2023

Gillshill National
94% 89%

Year 1 Phonics screening 2023

Gillshill National
80% 79%

EYFS2 Good level of development 2023

Gillshill National
72% 67%

Absence 2022-23

  Absence Persistent Absence
Gillshill 5% 11%
National 6% 18%