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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Gillshill Primary



Through the inclusion of an international curriculum at Gillshill Primary School, we are able to offer to our children a range of experiences that will enhance their learning and raise awareness of their national and international identity. Global issues are an important part of the lives of our pupils; living in a world where economies are increasingly interdependent, global communication is a daily reality and sustainability is a goal for the future of our planet. We strive to contribute to the world around us making our pupils valuable global citizens, whilst continuing to build and promote our own British Values.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are unique to our curriculum and help young children begin the move towards an increasingly sophisticated national, international, and intercultural perspective. Each of the seventeen thematic goals are designed to build together a global partnership, enabling our children to work internationally on goals that improve health and education, reduce inequality and tackle climate change.

As children progress through this international curriculum, they develop their awareness of other countries, cultures, and languages other than our own. They develop their respect for and foster strong links between our own lives and those of people throughout the world. Our pupils have a greater involvement in environmental issues and work collaboratively with local and international schools on global projects.

At Gillshill Primary, we believe our children have a right to experience and understand what is happening in the world around them. We strive to encourage interest and motivation through the provision of different teaching and learning styles, creating an environment where pupils are to celebrate and support our diverse planet.

The Global Network Partnership

Gillshill Primary School has worked hard over the last two years to develop and create an International presence within our curriculum. We work closely as part of The Global Network Partnership and have strong links with the primary school ‘God is Alive’ in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

The International Curriculum is led by the ability to work on projects linked to the Sustainable Development Goals. Each of the seventeen thematic goals are designed to build together a global partnership, enabling our children to work internationally on goals that improve health and education, reduce inequality and tackle climate change.

In Key Stage 2, we have created an International Pupil Council (IPC). The council has the opportunity to meet termly with children from local primary schools. The children are given a voice to speak about how they have embedded projects within their school and their international partner school. We have worked collaboratively on many projects, and most recently the IPC children were given the opportunity to work with Hull University and St. Stephens on a research project into the use of everyday plastics in Hull.

As children progress through this international curriculum they develop their awareness of and are actively encouraged to celebrate other countries, cultures and languages which are different to our own. We have welcomed visitors from Sierra Leone who spent time working with children in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Working with these teachers gave children the experience and understanding of what is happening in the world around them.


International Documents:

International Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

International Policy