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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Gillshill Primary

PE at Gillshill

Physical Education: the only subject that makes your HEART RACE.

PE Policy

Newsletters and documents at the foot of the page.


 At Gillshill Primary School we are passionate about PE and the impact it can have on children throughout their learning journey. We see it as a great release for many children, offering them the freedom to express themselves through PE and sport.

Led by Miss Jesney (the PE lead) and Mr Start (PE Consultant) we deliver a minimum of 2 hours PE to each child per week.

A message from one of our ex-pupils, Liam Cooper who is now Captain at Leeds United:

Our PE Curriculum gives children the opportunity to develop skills in a wide and diverse range of sports including:

  •  football
  • basketball
  • hockey
  • tennis
  • netball
  •  cricket
  • gymnastics
  • dance
  • athletics


In addition to this, and in order to give children as many opportunities to take part in sport-related activities as possible, we offer lunch time and after school clubs throughout the year. We also have our fun and competitive whole-school sports day that takes place annually in July, where children score points for their house teams.

We are also members of the Hull Active Schools programme which gives children the opportunity to take part in sports competitions against other schools in the local area.



Each year we enter 40+ tournaments where children compete in the following sports:

  •  football
  • rugby
  • boccia
  • kurling
  • indoor athletics
  • outdoor athletics
  •  cricket
  • swimming
  • futsal
  • netball
  • tri-golf


Our aim is to ensure that every child has been given the opportunity to represent Gillshill at a tournament before they leave us at the end of year 6. We also have regular feedback from pupils, who are on the School and PE Council, about their thoughts on the activities, and opportunities that we provide and how these can be improved. On a regular basis, we celebrate the sporting successes of our children during school assemblies, within our school newsletter and across our social media platforms.

School Games Platinum Award for Caythorpe Primary – C.I.T Academies  As a school, we have also celebrated many successes and achievements such as achieving the ‘Platinum School Games Award’ meaning we are one of only six primary schools in Hull to to be awarded this. Gillshill has also received the Humber Award for ‘Pupil Engagement’ in 2019, the Hull Daily Mail Golden Apple Award for ‘Outstanding Sporting Achievement’ in 2018 and we were crowned the school with the ‘Most increased participation in competitive sport’ across the whole of Yorkshire at the Yorkshire Primary PE and Sports Awards in 2017.

Each year, we offer trips to watch professional football matches at various football stadiums around the country. We have visited the Etihad Stadium, Old Trafford and Proact Stadium to watch Manchester City, Manchester United and England Under 21s play teams from all over the world.

Within our school, we actively encourage children of all ages and abilities to participate in as many sports as possible and we aim to make sport a fun and enjoyable experience for all. 

We also encourage children to further develop their sporting skills outside of school by directing them to local sports club that we have links with such as:

  • Sutton Gymnastics – Dave Wright
  • Wilberforce Netball – Anne Peak
  • Pelican Boys FC
  • Malet Girls FC – Ian Warvill
  • East Hull Rugby League Club – Paul Butler

Pelican Tennis Club and Sutton cricket club offer free taster sessions on a regular basis. 

Lockdown didn't stop us!

We used Google Classroom to continue PE lessons and reach out to EVERY member of the family to join in.






Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.

Michael Jordan


At Gillshill Primary School, the Physical Education curriculum we provide is broad and balanced, allowing our children access to a wide variety of PE and sports provision. We offer high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all of our children to succeed in physical education through our curriculum, extra-curricular activities and enrichment opportunities.

In line with the National Curriculum 2014, our curriculum is designed to provide opportunities for children to be actively involved and engaged in a wide range of sports. Through Physical Education we develop our children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing confidence and competence in a range of physical activities.

Throughout our curriculum, we teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and respect.

Within our inclusive curriculum, we offer many opportunities for our children to take part in competitive sports by providing access to both intra-school and inter-school competitions throughout the academic year. We ensure that all children have represented Gillshill Primary at a local tournament before leaving in year 6.

At Gillshill Primary, we highlight our children’s achievements, share our children’s experiences and celebrate successes with our school family. Our aim is to ensure that our children’s experience of Physical Education is enjoyable and motivating and that their attitudes towards living a healthy, active lifestyle are positive. We aim to improve their health and well-being, promote active participation and lifelong learning, and for each child to fulfil their potential. 


To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in PE, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. PE is taught through half-termly topics, focusing on the knowledge and skills stated in the Primary National Curriculum 2014, which we use as a starting point, and embellish and deepen further as a school. At the heart of this is children being exposed to quality experiences and lessons that foster a positive and proactive attitude and approach to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Teachers plan a series of lessons that are engaging, broad and balanced using our progression of knowledge and skills document, whilst ensuring they are suited to their class’ needs and physical abilities. This document ensures the curriculum is covered and the skills, knowledge and vocabulary taught are progressive from year group to year group, in depth. Where possible, teachers, in conjunction with subject leaders, plan purposeful cross-curricular links.

At Gillshill Primary School we provide a variety of opportunities for learning PE. The physical education curriculum allows children to develop and master skills through a range of challenging and enjoyable sporting activities including: invasion games, net & wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics, dance, swimming and outdoor & adventure. Pupils participate in two hours of high quality PE lessons each week, covering two sporting disciplines every half term. Children in Year 5 learn how to keep themselves safe by practising their swimming skills in a two-week course in the spring term. In addition, pupils are encouraged to participate in a varied range of extra-curricular activities. Sport clubs are available at lunch time and after school, and the children are encouraged to complete the ‘Daily Mile’ throughout the week, which helps to meet the government target of all children being active for at least 60 minutes a day. Sport equipment is also available during break times to help foster an active lifestyle. Throughout the year, children participate in workshops covering a variety of sports, for example: rugby, tennis, Flex Dance and cricket, again providing the children with an opportunity to develop and improve their fitness, and to try something new.

Gillshill Primary School is part of the Hull Active Schools community where children are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the local area. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental wellbeing. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the children. Furthermore, as a school, we also partake in national sporting initiatives and fund-raising events where possible, as well as our annual Sports day. The children’s work and achievements are celebrated through displays, social media posts and award ceremonies both in and out of school, as well as sometimes being featured in the local newspaper.

Subject leaders play a key role in the success of the curriculum by leading on monitoring, evaluation and review, and the celebration of good practice contributes to the ongoing commitment to improve further. Subject leaders are given the opportunity to develop their own subject knowledge, skills and understanding, so they can support curriculum development and their colleagues throughout the school.


The curriculum subject leader is responsible for monitoring and evaluating their own subject responsibility. The information gathered from the monitoring and evaluation informs the impact for that curriculum area. Judgements on the impact of the curriculum subject is based upon a triangulation of PE evidence scrutiny, pupil voice discussions, outcomes of assessments and the quality of teaching and learning. Governors undertake termly learning walks for their subject responsibility and receive a termly report from the subject leader identifying strengths and areas for development.

Our aim is that at the end of each school year, pupils will have participated in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun. They will have gained a deepening understanding of how to take responsibility for their own health and fitness, and will know how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values. Children will be equipped with the necessary skills and a love for physical activity, many of whom will also enjoy the success of competitive sports. 

Through discussion and feedback, children talk enthusiastically about their PE lessons and show an awareness and interest in how to attain optimum physical and emotional development and good health. Pupils use vocabulary they have been taught to appreciate and discuss the rules and techniques employed by a range of sports. They are physically active and this has positive implications on their learning in the classroom. 

By the time our children leave Gillshill Primary School, we will have equipped them with a breadth of knowledge, skills and sporting experiences to give them a secure foundation for their secondary school learning. Our PE curriculum will have instilled in them a love and enjoyment of learning about health and fitness, and an understanding of how important PE can be in acquiring skills and knowledge that can be utilised to ensure the children live happy and healthy lives.

Long Term Plan

PE Knowledge and skills progression

PE curriculum journey