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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

Enter Trust

Gillshill Primary


Miss Clement

Enterprise Lead

The big 6/13 skills

Enterprise at Gillshill Primary is an integral part of the curriculum. Our pupils use their initiative and take the overall lead in many ways, from organising school events to raising money for charity. Enterprise education equips pupils with a set of practical and transferrable skills, which can be applied to all areas of life, and prepares our pupils for the challenges that lie ahead.

Our enterprise skills are interwoven into many of the core and foundation subjects across both key stages. The enterprise skills which are referred to in lessons are:

Key Stage 1

(Big 6 Enterprise skills)

Key Stage 2

(Big 13 Enterprise skills)

Tim and Tom the Team Work Twins
Chloe Creativity
Charlie Communicate
Freddie Finance
Izzy Initiative
Pippa Positive

Team Work
Negotiating and Influencing
Effective Communication
Creativity and Innovation
Positive Attitude
Organisation and Planning
Problem Solving
Making Ethical Decisions
Financial Literacy
Product and Service Design




Pupils in Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to apply their knowledge of the Big 13 skills by participating in enterprising events such as:

·        Make £5 Blossom

·        Badgers Sett Challenge

·        Keepmoat Construction days

·        Industry Day

·        Christmas Craft Fayre

These events allow our pupils to understand the importance of each skill and understand that these can be beneficial in terms of thinking about their job roles in the near future. Furthermore, the Big 13 enterprise skills allow our pupils to be resilient in terms of their mindset as they build on their prior knowledge and develop in confidence.