
Miss Robinson
English Leader
English is taught is five components: Reading; Writing; Spelling and Grammar; Speaking and Listening; and Presentation.
Reading is taught in two components, Early reading and comprehension. Early reading is taught through the Read, Write Inc (RWI) phonic programme and comprehension is taught through the acronym VIPERS which covers the skills outlined in the National Curriculum. All children have daily reading lessons which have a specific focus and are matched to the children’s ability. To supplement the reading at Gillshill Primary School the children have access to online platforms, Oxford Owl RWI electronic books for children still mastering the Phonics code and Reading Plus which is an adaptive reading program that develops the children’s fluency and comprehension.
(link to Reading and Phonics page)
All children have daily writing lessons and writing is taught using strategies taken from the Talk for Writing (TFW) approach. A range of text types are analysed and written whilst also meeting the National Curriculum objectives.
Each unit of written work follows a specific writing learning journey which lasts approximately three weeks.
(Link to Talk For Writing page)
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG)
Spelling lessons are taught discreetly outside of the English Writing lesson but are also followed up within the Talk For Writing learning journey, recapping and re-teaching where necessary. The school uses the online platform Spelling Shed to plan spelling lessons and activities based on spelling patterns and the common exception spellings for each year group as directed by the National Curriculum. Children have spellings linked to their ability so all children can achieve. Children who are still being taught phonics have their spellings linked to their phonic ability with additional common exception words. Spellings are sent home weekly to practise.
Grammar is organised in line with the National Curriculum English Appendix 2: Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation. Grammar and Punctuation is taught within the Talk For Writing learning journey with some additional discreet lesson where needed. Teachers teach the new content for the year group as directed by the School Grammar Long Term Plan but also recap and revisit previously taught content. All teachers recap and consolidate the grammar and punctuation which is appropriate for the text genre being studied within the Talk For Writing units of work.
Spoken Language
At Gillshill Primary School we believe that speaking and listening skills are the foundation of a child’s success. These skills underpin the development of all subjects, not just reading and writing. Starting in EYFS with Communication and Language we ensure we continually develop and build on pupils’ confidence and competence in spoken language and listening skills across the curriculum. We encourage children to develop the capacity to explain their understanding of books and other reading, ask questions to clarify their understanding, participate in discussions and prepare their ideas orally before they write. As children progress through school, pupils are taught to understand the conventions of discussion and debate in order to learn. They are taught to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and develop confidence to deliver formal presentations to others. We ensure all pupils are able to participate in and gain knowledge, skills and understanding associated with the artistic practise of drama through role play within lessons but also in the wider curriculum.
Handwriting is taught discreetly every day in EYFS, at least four times a week in KS1 and at least three times a week in KS2. We ensure children are forming letters correctly and of the right size. Children begin to use our cursive joined handwriting style in Year 3. We encourage children to take pride in their presentation throughout all areas of the curriculum.