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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Gillshill Primary

  • Respect
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Welcome to
    Gillshill Primary School


 "Leaders have fostered a school environment where respect is embedded and success is celebrated. Pupils are extremely positive about their education. Behaviour is exemplary."

Ofsted source

 QUICK LINK:  Wellbeing at Gillshill

We would like to welcome you to Gillshill Primary School website and hope that the information provided on our platform gives you an insight  of what our school is like. However, visiting our school in person, will enable you to see at first hand our fantastic school, wonderful children and dedicated team of staff. We are always keen to show visitors around.

Gillshill Primary School is a large primary school, with a 39 place Nursery, but maintains a real family orientated approach. Our children, staff, parents and governors have high aspirations, work happily together to achieve high academic, creative and social standards and value the important shared experiences of childhood. Pupils will have access to a rich variety of first-hand experiences and the opportunities to participate in many visits

We welcome all parents and visitors to our school to share in their child’s learning journey. We acknowledge that children learn best when there is a positive relationship between home and school; that is why we place so much importance knowing our families and our children!

At Gillshill we know that every moment in a child’s education matters. Our creative and inclusive curriculum has been designed to identify and maximise every learning opportunity. Our pupils are immersed with stimulating, broad, well-planned activities, which will enable them to succeed in their next stage of learning, regardless of sex, culture, race, background or disability. We want our children to be lifelong learners with the best knowledge, skills and vocabulary. We are a learning community which prides itself on being ambitious, resilient and respectful; we are committed to ensuring that our children have the values and skills that they need in order to become proud citizens of 21st century Britain. We hope that every child, who attends Gillshill Primary School, has a very exciting childhood and leaves our school with many happy memories of their wonderful experiences during their primary journey.

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